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Membership Initial Application Form

To speed up the membership process, you may fill in the following and request an interview with the owner.

You will be emailed upon receipt of the form and invited to the club for personal interview. 

Memberships are not considered without one of the following:


*3-4 visits to the club as a guest or guests (to establish trust)


*Membership application filled in below and personal interview with the owner

(this may be done via video call if neccessary) 


Please add any relevant apps you are active on, for example, Fab Swingers, Pineapple Lifestyle App, Fetlife or Swinghub... Please list with Username/s.

What part of the Adult Alternative Lifestyle do you consider being mostly part of?

Please add the lifestyle choice most relevant to you. We gain this information so we can tailor our services, facilities and events accordingly.

Do you agree to abide by the club code of conduct and policies
ID - Upon interview - you must present ID. Do you agree tt have your data stored?

*Please note. Your ID is stored on an encrypted database and is not shown to anyone. We operate within the confines of our ICO Licence and will only show data if requested by the Authorites. Data is stored for the protection of you, our staff, members and guests and is stored for six months after your visit.

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