The Lifestyle Lounge is a fully private members club
We don't guarantee memberships at the Lifestyle Lounge.We operate as any other private members club by a stringent code of conduct of safety. to ensure this, we don't issue to people we haven't gained trust with.
We request that you do the following to be considered for membership and adhere to the club rules at ALL TIMES
Visit as a guest
We like to get to know you and this in turn, established a safer network. We request you visit three or four times as a guest to establish trust and then membership may be offered.
Respect our rules and code of conduct
This is non-negiotiable. We expect a high standard of behaviours and respect.
All potential members will be expected to sign a membership form to accept the rules of the community and if broken, membership can be revoked instantly
Have your data stored
The rules of membership are that your full identification and personal details are stored. This is not shared with anyone beyond the company, due to privacy laws and will only ever be shared if requested by the authorities.
To speed up the memberships Process, you can apply online. You must submit your full ID and answer a series of questions for suitability. you may then be invited for an interview with the owner.
Membership System
Full Members
Fulll membership status is by the owner's discretion only.
Commonly applies after a few visits and is given based on behaviours in the club*
When you become a member, you will be stored on our encrypted database for 12 months, you will no longer need ID every visit and will recieve a membership card
Members may introduce and bring along a guest (this is the only time we consider or allow two single males together). However, if the guest breaks the club rules, the members' membership may be revoked
*Please note - Memberships are not guaranteed at The Lifestyle Lounge
We operate a zero-tolerance environment - where membership status can be revoked at any time with no prior discussion to the Committee
Memberships may be given by Senior Staff under authority of the Owner
*Membership revoke can be addressed by a senior member of staff under authority of the Owner
Guests (non-members) may visit the club.
You must either be:
* A friend of a current member* ...or
*Pass an on-door screening check (we may ask for verifications on swing, kink, fet apps etc to probe you are in an adult lifestyle or community)
Before membership is offered, expected behaviours must be displayed at all times*
Full ID must be presented every visit
You must sign a temporary membership/visitor slip every time you enter the club, until membership is offered*​
Members have rights as Stakeholders and with common social interests in the club to suggest the removal of guests if our club rules and code of conduct are not followed.
*Please note - if you are a guest of a current member and break our rules, the member may have his/her/their membership revoked
Guests may be barred at any time for breaking club rules
**We reserve the right to refuse entry at any time
Membership benefits
One years membership
Renewal every year
Committe place considered (not guaranteed)
First RSVP opportunities to club events
Membership Card
Loyalty schemes
Discounted entry prices - saving £100s a year
Discounted club entry every visit
10% discount on hire rates
Invite to owner's Watsapp group
Single females: £25 Per Year
Couples: £40 per Year
Single Males: £75 Per Year
Trans/CDs: £40 Per Year